a blog about clevvr company knowledge.

  • Middleware Observability

    Middleware Observability

    Introduction: In the vast realm of software development, middleware plays a crucial role in connecting different components and enabling seamless communication between various layers of an application. But as the complexity of modern software systems increases, so does the need for comprehensive observability into the performance and behavior of middleware. In this blog post, we […]

  • Middleware usage in Energy & Utilities industry

    Middleware usage in Energy & Utilities industry

    One example of a middleware use case in the Energy and Utilities industry is in the management of smart grids. Smart grids use advanced technology to monitor and control the distribution of electricity in real-time. Middleware can be used to integrate the various systems and devices used in a smart grid, such as smart meters, […]

  • Middleware usage in retail industry

    Middleware usage in retail industry

    In the retail industry, middleware is used to integrate a retailer’s point-of-sale (POS) terminals with their inventory management system. The middleware would act as a bridge between the two systems, allowing them to share data in real-time. This would enable the inventory management system to automatically update stock levels based on sales data from the […]

  • Middleware use case in agriculture industry

    Middleware use case in agriculture industry

    Middleware can improve the agriculture industry by facilitating the collection, transfer, and analysis of data from various sources, such as sensors, IoT devices, and farm equipment. This can lead to a number of benefits, including: Overall, middleware can help farmers to make better decisions, improve yields and save costs, and optimize the entire farming process. […]

  • Usage of middleware in automotive industry

    Usage of middleware in automotive industry

    One example of a use case for middleware in the automotive industry is in the development of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). These systems use a variety of sensors, such as cameras, radar, and lidar, to gather data about the vehicle’s surroundings. The data from these sensors is then processed by the ADAS system to […]

  • How middleware software has improve Banking & Financial Services industry

    How middleware software has improve Banking & Financial Services industry

    Middleware software can significantly improve the banking and financial services industry by providing a secure and efficient way to connect different systems and platforms. Here are some specific ways in which middleware can improve this industry: Overall, middleware software can play a critical role in improving the efficiency, security, and customer experience of the banking […]

  • Usage of middleware in healthcare industry

    Usage of middleware in healthcare industry

    One use case of the usage of middleware in the healthcare industry is the integration of electronic health records (EHRs) with laboratory systems. In many healthcare organizations, patient information is stored in separate systems, such as EHRs for clinical information and laboratory systems for test results. Middleware can be used to bridge the gap between […]

  • Is middleware term outdated or not ?

    Is middleware term outdated or not ?

    Middleware is a term that is still widely used in the technology industry today. It refers to software that acts as a bridge between different applications or systems, allowing them to communicate and exchange data with each other. One of the key benefits of middleware is that it enables different systems to work together seamlessly, […]